Toddlers are active to play. So that your toddler’s development runs optimally, the right nutrition is needed. You can start by designing a healthy diet for toddlers early. Not only supports its development, healthy eating patterns for toddlers can also prevent obesity, malnutrition, and other health problems in the future.
How to apply a healthy diet for toddlers is quite easy, just use the principle of "Balanced Nutrition". Toddlers need calories around 1,000-1,500 kcal in a day depending on their age, gender, and physical activity. To supply these calorie needs, here the examples of portions of food that can be given to children in one day:
- Carbohydrates as much as 2-3 servings. One portion is equivalent to 100 grams or ¾ glass of star fruit.
- Protein 4-5 servings. One portion is equivalent to 35-50 grams. Moms can give one chicken lower thigh or a half of meat the size of an adult's hand.
- Oil 2-5 teaspoon.
- Fruits ½ - 2 servings. One serving is equal to a big orange or a watermelon.
- Vegetables ½ - 2 servings. One portion is equivalent to one bowl of cooked vegetables without gravy.
- Milk products 1-2 servings. One portion is equivalent to 150-200 ml or a glass of star fruit.
Toddlers ideally eat as much as 5 – 6 times every day. Parents can divide it into:
- Breakfast
- Midnight snack
- Lunch
- Midday snacks
- Dinner
- Snack before bed
Night snacks can be skipped if the child is asleep. Some healthy snacks that Moms can give to your child are fruit, vegetables, pudding, yogurt, cheese, biscuits, and milk.
A healthy food must be get used to from toddler. So that your child is accustomed to applying healthy food, then Moms and family at home must also play a role. Remember, children tend to imitate the parents or closest people around them. So, give an example of healthy food with patterns and choose the right food for your lovely baby.