Pregnancy exercise may be a trend among young mothers. But, it turns out that it is not only the trend, pregnancy exercise can provide real benefits for the mother during and after pregnancy. Below are some of the benefits of pregnancy exercise which you cannot miss it.
· Provides extra energy
· Reduces the risk of getting pregnancy complications
· reduces stress and arouses mood
· Reduces the feeling of discomfort during pregnancy
· Makes you sleep better
· Helps the body to prepare labor
· Helps the body to recover faster after giving birth
Pregnancy exercises psychologically make moms can have a positive thinking, because they feel more aware to prepare the labor. Furthermore, after the labor pregnancy exercises can also help moms to restore immediately her body shape and stamina.
Pregnancy Exercise at Home
Moms do not have to take a pregnancy class to facilitate the labor process. Moms can do pregnancy exercises themselves at home. Here are some simple movements that Moms can do at home.
Push-up walls
This movement is useful to strengthen the chest muscles and triceps muscles on the back of the upper arm. Movement stages:
- Stand facing the wall with your hands straight against the wall. From the side, the body was seen leaning forward, like he was pushing a wall. Open feet parallel to the shoulders.
- Bend your elbows slowly and bring your chest close to the wall. Keep the back of Moms straight.
- Back to its original position.
- Repeat up to 15 times.
Doing pregnancy exercise by squatting during pregnancy can help open the birth canal for the baby. Moms can try to do squat movements with gymnastic balls. Movement stages:
- Stand straight back against the wall with a gymnastic ball squeezed between your back and wall. Open your legs a little.
- Lower the body of the Moms with the legs forming a 90 degree angle.
- Return to the original position. Repeat 10 times.
Leg training
This exercise can help strengthen your back and abdominal muscles. Movement stages:
- Take a position that resembles a crawl, with the knee forming 90 degrees and the arms straightened. Rests on both palms, which are perpendicular to the shoulder.
- Lift and straighten one leg until it is level with your back. Hold a few moments before returning to the crawl position.
- Do the same movements with the other Moms legs.
- Repeat 10 times for the left leg and 10 times for the right leg.
Riding a short bench
To strengthen the lower limb muscles, Moms can do gymnastics with the help of a short bench. Movement stages:
- Stand and place a short bench, with a height of no more than 20 cm and wide enough, in front of Moms.
- Keep your left foot then right foot on the bench. Then lower it back and start again with your left foot first and then your right foot.
- Perform replacement carefully and without haste.
- Repeat 15-25 times while keeping your back straight when making movements.
Pregnancy exercise needs to be done carefully. It is suggested by the American Pregnancy Association that moms should choose the right exercise which fits with their own condition during pregnancy period. There are basically many safe exercises that moms can do, but still moms must be careful and not overdo. Moms should avoid high-risk sports, such as the risk of falling, jump movement, hot weather and so on. Don’t forget to keep your body healthy and hope the labor process runs smoothly.